søndag den 19. september 2010

C'mon... SMILE

I'm not trying to become the best, I'm not trying to make my name show. I'm not doing this to annoy any of you! I do this because i love it and because I know that alot of people like seeing my "not best, but natural and happy" pictures. So if it annoys you that i put out pictures, i can assure you that a picture of you won't be shown and you can leave my blog happy :-)

wedding - outfits

Here is some beautiful lovely people, who dressed up for wedding in Norway :)

Lovely Anita, i miss you.

Anna, My precious best friend.

My beautiful sister, Monica.

Søren, my good-looking cousin

Leora, beautiful baby

tirsdag den 17. august 2010

søndag den 8. august 2010

Life is just great!

Smile and enjoy your life, stop wasting your prescious time on beeing worried for life, money, work, future. Live today, live for God and serve him with all your heart!


Sometimes things are hard to get through. Trust in God and never loose faith!

onsdag den 28. juli 2010

Long time no see

Random pictures from random things i have been doing after the summer conf. Enjoy :)

mandag den 14. juni 2010


Sorry for not updating in a long time! I've been busy! Here is some pictures:)

tirsdag den 18. maj 2010

Maja ( L )

This is my beautiful sister Maja who is leaving on friday :'( tears... enjoy the pictures.. Kind of mixed colours, but that's just the way i like it :D